Gun Range Use - Open to the Public
Warrior Ranch Training Center does not have any membership requirements for access! We boast the following facilities for public or private use:
- 600 yard Rifle Range - has steel and paper targets
- 15 yard Pistol Range - has paper targets
- 50 yard Pistol Range - has steel and paper targets
- Skeet Field - By Special Event Reservation only, 1 Day in advance
- Combat Pistol Course (still under construction)
Fall 2019 Hours:
Sunday: 1 PM until 8 PM
Monday: Closed
Tuesday thru Friday: 10 AM until 8 PM
Saturday: 9 AM until 8PM
Our Christmas hours during the end of the year: Warrior Ranch will be closed for the winter target repair season from 22 December 2021 until 29 December 2021.
All Ranges are supervised by NRA-Certified Range Safety Officers and support personnel. Range Fee- $15 per hour per person for all ranges. You are welcome to bring paper targets to use in lieu of the Range targets. No Armor Piercing, Tracer, or Incendiary Ammunition of any kind are permitted, since they destroy the steel targets on the range. Rifle range is rated up to .338 Lapua calibers and below. Targets and ball/hunting ammunition are available at the on-site Pro Shop.
Range Fee - $15 per hour, per person.
Daily Rate - $30 per person.
Monthly Membership - $50 per person.
Annual Range Membership- $450.00 per year - Covers 1 adult 18 or over.
Annual Family Membership- $550.00 per year- Covers 2 Adults and 2 children age 17 or younger.
Special event hosting is available by request. We have hosted baby gender reveal parties, wedding bachelor/bridal parties, birthday parties, and corporate training and team-building events!
Annual and Family Memberships entitles each member :
Unlimited Range Usage
A "Tee Time" option to reserve a table/Lane prior to arrival
10% off ammo, firearms and custom work in the pro Shop.
10% off at Participating Local Restaurants.
$10 Firearm Transfer Fees from other FFLs (NFA transfer items not included).
One class that we teach at our cost (Guest Instructors not included).